Even though almost any change might be a welcome diversion from the current Democrat-dominated federal government, the looming possibility of a Republican return does not sound all that reassuring. It's more like Revenge of the Sith or The Empire Strikes Back. The two parties take turns being the Sith/Empire; the empire is always striking back. In November, it may be the Republicans' chance to play the role of Sith.
This became even clearer when I saw the desperation on the face of Congressman Anthony Hot Dog (D-Fifth Circle of Hell) while giving this rant about his wishy-washy opponents. I definitely do not endorse his views on health care, but I see his statements (shouting, to be exact) as a prediction for the future. He is worried about losing power, and, what frustrates him the most is that he'll be losing it to a crowd of politicians who will eventually pursue the same policies. Obviously, he believes he could do just as a good job screwing up the country as them.
The likely truth is that Republicans are bound to flip-flop on the health care issue and get right back to boosting state interference, just as soon as they regain the power to do so. In that regard, Congressman Hot Dog should be glad that his position is destined to prevail, but, of course, it won't do any good to him if his folks are not the ones in power to enact it.
I don't even know if the inevitable waffling on health care will come in 2010. The GOP will likely want to jam anything that looks like the Obama agenda until he's ousted in 2012. At that point, however, it will definitely be business as usual, with a continued descent into ever-more socialized medicine. By the way, how much more socialized can our health care system get? It's already the most expensive due to government manipulation. What is the low point anyway, being held at gunpoint to drink water?
Bottom Line: do not trust either party in its current establishment form.
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