Sunday, August 29, 2010

Why Do Leftist College Students Hate Families So Much?

It's completely irrational if you follow things to their logical (or at least, likely) conclusion. Left-wing college kids, if they have any identity at all, are usually known for one thing: deviance for the sake of deviance. It's not necessary the good kind of rebelliousness associated with the Ron Paul movement and anti-statism. No, it usually involves hatred of most time-honored customs. One can debate the merits of social conservatism all day, but it's clear that many college-aged folks hate every last bit of it. They're taught that way.

One of those traditions is of course the family structure. This is a social institution that's been around since time immemorial and it has not lasted that long by accident. However, leftist students (and even some libertarians who choose to emphasize leftist social ethics) are very anti-family. They're taught that it reeks of bourgeois lifestyle, coincides the "evil" patriarchal system, and gets in the way of individual expression. The fact that lefties usually hate individualism leaves more than just a grain of irony in this situation, but, at any rate, Marxist intellectuals are willing to push some "rugged individualism" if it means disruption of the existing social order. Suffices to say, families are a bigger threat to statist hegemony than individuals. This is why you'll hear many a women's studies professor preach the indomitable nature of the individual woman. For them, it serves an end (individuals eventually melted into a collectivist utopia).

On a practical level, however, leftist students ought to re-think their aversion to American family structures. Why is that? Because in today's sterling economy, they'll be back in their parents house immediately following graduation, barring some employment miracle. Insofar as the most left-liberal, anti-family students tend to choose the most useless college majors, odds are they'll need to move back in with those dreaded bourgeois parents who never understood them and their mindless rebellion against "capitalism," "the rat race," and mainstream culture. You don't know what you have until you lose it and need it again. That is precisely the painful lesson these folks would endure if their generous guardians did not re-admit them back into the home despite their bratty ways.

The anti-everything, pseudo-Renaissance artist is not likely to make it very successfully in today's economy, not without completely re-tooling his/her profile. In the mean time, it's time to ditch the attitude and black clothing and accept the fact that you need your family a lot more than you think. This goes for middle-aged and elderly folks who fall on hard times as well. You never out-grow the family. Thankfully, the good news is that these folks do not make up every student in academia. It is a positive sign to see people re-learn the values of family and sticking together when things get tough.

As long as Marxist professors try their hardest to proselytize impressionable undergraduates, the ugly kind of anti-social individuals will exist. Then again, I guess these kids are good candidates to just continue their education into master's and PhD programs. I would like to feel sorry for their bank accounts when they take out so many loans to go to school forever. I do not though.

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