Thursday, August 5, 2010

Teachers as Prison Guards

I think someday when I have children and they reach school age I will try something interesting, if not a bit surreal. On the first day of kindergarten, rather then pretend it to be some sort of journey that the child will be embarking on, I will give the child the full, honest truth from the get go.

I will walk the child up to the teacher and explain things this way: "See this person, junior, this is your prison guard, you are not to use the bathroom without her permission. You shall regain your auto-urination "privileges" once your sentence is complete in about 12 years, until then, the guard controls your bowel movements. You will speak only when spoken to, eat when told to eat, and you will not to leave the premises without permission along with an escort. Good luck, junior."

How do you think the teacher would react? Could she protest? Was anything I would have said not grounded in truth?

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